Archive for July, 2012

From ultraslim Microsoft Wedge Mobile Keyboard to Wedge Touch Mouse, Microsoft showcased its latest hardware for Windows 8.

Microsoft introduced its new mice and keyboards for Window 8 ahead of the release of its next-generation operating system on October 26. From ultraslim Microsoft Wedge Mobile Keyboard to Wedge Touch Mouse, Microsoft showcased its latest hardware on its Facebook page.

All four new devices are Bluetooth driven and optimized for Windows, desktop, laptop and tablet. Here is a look at the devices:

Wedge Touch Mouse

Estimated retail price: $69.95

Small to fit in pocket, the Wedge Touch Mouse provides four-way touch scrolling and navigation. It can be connected with Bluetooth-enabled laptop or tablet. It features BlueTrack Technology that lets mouse work on most surfaces.

It also includes Backpack Mode to power down and sleep along with the computer it’s paired to.

Wedge Mobile Keyboard

Estimated retail price: $79.95

The new ultraslim Microsoft Wedge Mobile Keyboard is designed specifically for tablusers. It includes some of the most commonly used features, such as Windows Hot Keys and built-in media keys.

The cover helps in protecting keyboard from scratches and can also be used as a tablet stand. Enabled with Bluetooth technology, it connects tablet without a cable or transceiver.

Sculpt Touch Mouse

Estimated retail price: $49.95

It has a four-way touch scroll strip and Bluetooth technology connects tablet without a cable or transceiver.

Sculpt Mobile Keyboard

Estimated retail price: $49.95

It is a full-size keyboard with Microsoft’s Comfort Curve design and Bluetooth connectivity. Battery-saving technology powers the keyboard down into sleep mode after a period of inactivity and can wake up and reconnect with tap of a key.

Touch Mouse

Estimated retail price: $79.95

The Microsoft Touch Mouse will obtain updated functionality specifically designed for Windows 8with new gesture settings. One-finger swipes will allow customers to move content on screen. Two-finger movements will manage apps. The thumb gestures will help in navigating backward and forward within apps.
Microsoft is set to announce its next-generation operating system tailored for a world shifting from personal computers to smartphones and tablets on October 26.

Windows 8 will be available in 109 languages across 231 markets worldwide.

Microsoft has promised to make the new operating system available in August for computer, tablet or smartphone makers to build into hardware.

The software giant has been trying to expand its presence in the booming market for smartphones and tablets, which is currently dominated by Apple and Google.

By now, you’ve seen the headlines on ZDNet and other places about Valve Software’s co-founder Gabe Newellstating that, “Windows 8 is a catastrophe for everyone in the PC space.” I’m sure Ballmer and the boys over at Microsoft paused their glass-clicking just long enough to laugh at that statement. So, to let you know, in case you can’t figure it out for yourself, Windows 8 is, in fact, so not a catastrophe for anyone except for those who don’t understand it. Windows 8 is basically, in my humble opinion, Windows 7 R2 with a new interface dubbed ‘Metro.’ Admittedly, I wasn’t a big fan of ‘8’ in the beginning. I’ve changed my mind–in spite of what some fanboys think–without a penny coming to my bank account from Microsoft.

And, in spite of what you or Gabe Newell might think of Windows 8, it’s no catastrophe.

Gabe, you silly, silly boy.

Of course, Gabe’s statement certainly put his little software company on everyone’s radar. Before this, I’d never heard of Gabe Newell or Valve Software. That might seem odd but I don’t do any gaming on the Xbox* mainly because I don’t own an Xbox. We’ve always been Nintendo people at my house. Sure, I’ve heard of a few of their games but who really pays attention to the company that creates them? Not me, but maybe that’s just me.

I’m not sure I can tell you who created Angry Birds (Rovio?) and I’m a huge addicted fan of that one. The last PC game I was hooked on to any extent was Delta Force by NovaLogic. I know it was NovaLogic because I tried to contact customer support a few times. Actually, I wasn’t able to contact customer support at NovaLogic and the result was that I had to give up playing Delta Force–my favorite game that I bought online and downloaded. However, that’s fodder for another post/rant.

I’m not really sure that we should care what Gabe Newell thinks about Microsoft’s Windows 8 platform. It will exist and be wildly successful in spite of what he says. For that matter, it will be wildly successful in spite of what I say or even what Steve Ballmer says about it. Microsoft owns the desktop. Unless gamers want to maintain two PCs: One Windows and one Linux, they will have to choose between the two.

Valve Software can choose not to create games for Windows 8 and I’m not anyone will really shed a tear. I know I won’t. I absolutely couldn’t care less if Windows 8 plays games at all. It does, though. Ever hear of running a program in compatibility mode? If not, you should. It might be a good idea to send Gabe an email with that information in it.

Maybe Microsoft should build a desktop operating system for business and one for play. Oh wait, they kinda do already: Windows 8 and Xbox. I’m just saying. If you want to play games, then buy something that plays games. If you need to work, by a tool, like a PC that runs Windows 8. A little productivity probably wouldn’t hurt. A few situps wouldn’t kill you (or me) either.

The bottom line is this: Gabe should stick to managing his company that builds games on whatever platform he chooses. Microsoft should build operating systems for business and game consoles for games. I personally think the two should never cross paths. Again, that’s probably just me.

A hammer is for hammering nails. A screwdriver is for screws. A PC and desktop operating system are for work. If you choose to juggle with hammers and screwdrivers, you have to accept the consequences of doing that.

Apple, by way of its Up-to-Date program was to give out free copies of its newly released operating system, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion to those who purchased a new Mac on or after June 11, 2012. However, for some users this is turning out to be a rather frustrating affair, for not only have there been delays in sending out redemption codes, some users have also complained of receiving non-working codes. Reportedly, some users are being made to wait for days before they get their redemption codes.


Posts on MacRumours forums have revealed that  some have received codes for OS X 10.8 server tools, instead of the operating system installer. One user stated, “I just got my second code and was able to redeem it. The only problem is when it redeemed it came up with an error saying OSX Server cannot be downloaded because it requires OSX 10.8.0 to run. It seems they sent me a redemption code for server instead of mountain lion. The pdf with the code clearly says that the code is for mountain lion…My purchased tab only shows OSX Server – no mountain lion…,” while another user stated, “I submitted a claim about 24 hours ago and havent heard a single word back from them. Anyone else? I keep checking my email and still nothing. Most of ya’ll have at least gotten your first codes but i havent gotten anything!”

Apple Up-to-date program

Apple Up-to-Date program

Shedding some light on the situation, a PCMag report adds that for those with non-working codes, the problem started because Apple’s form to request for a free copy of Mountain Lion went out two days before the Mountain Lion release. Some users, therefore got their code before the launch. These users later discovered that the codes did not work.


Some of the Mountain Lion features are:

  • It claims to offer better integration with social networks, such as Facebook. It will also come with built-in features to allow sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and other services. For instance, you’ll get notifications when you get a message or a mention in a Facebook or Twitter post. You need to sign in only once, and you can share directly from other apps you are using.
  • Power Nap ensures that Mac gets updated even while it’s in power-saving “sleep” mode. It will get your email messages, back up your files and download software updates automatically. It will work with recent MacBook Air computers and the higher-end MacBook Pro model, the one with the sharper, “Retina” display.
  • It comes with a new Messages app, which has been taken from Apple’s mobile operating system, will replace iChat. It will allow users to send messages to other Apple users, whether that person is on a Mac or an Apple mobile device.
  • Mountain Lion will be integrated with iCloud, the new Internet storage service designed for the mobile devices.
  • The software will bring dictation to Macs, essentially allowing the computer to type as you talk.
  • Game Center will store high game scores and help users find opponents on both Macs and Apple mobile devices.

Investors wiped $10 billion off the value of Facebook Inc on Friday, taking the recently listed shares to a new low, after the social network offered no forecast and analysts said mobile investments would put future earnings under pressure.

The 17 percent slide in the shares took Facebook’s market capitalization to $48 billion, half its IPO launch value of $100 billion in May.

The latest slide cost CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the 28-year-old who founded Facebook in his Harvard dorm room, around $2.3 billion, based on his shareholding. The social network just beat revenue expectations on Thursday in its first quarterly earnings but the company failed to reassure investors about its future prospects.

“Facebook has established itself as an Internet utility but it might take a while for Facebook to gain Wall Street love,” Citi Investment Research analysts said in a note.

Investors worried about how the social network would make money from mobile advertising had hoped that the company would signal that revenue growth was picking up. The shares have shed around 40 percent of their value since the company’s ill-starred debut at $38 on May 18.

They fell to a record low $22.28 in morning trading on Friday before recovering a little to $23.03. It was far and away the most heavily traded stock, with 52 million changing hands.

At least four brokerages, including Barclays Capital, cut their price targets on Facebook stock, although most suggested it was worth much more than current trading levels.

Created just eight years ago, Facebook continues to grow — hitting 955 million active users a month at the end of June — but its shares have slid since its May IPO as investors questioned a valuation of more than 50 times earnings.


JP organ Securities analysts said the stock could also be under pressure because some early investors will be able to sell shares from Aug. 19, potentially flooding the market with stock.

But most focus was on the company’s mobile strategy, with big questions about whether it can sustain growth as users increasingly access Facebook on mobiles, where it has found it hard to squeeze in advertisements. Facebook only recently began to offer limited advertising on its mobile platform, so far generating little revenue.

Facebook is investing heavily in improving mobile apps and building a platform on top of which new apps can be built, but so far that has increased capital expenditure but not delivered big gains in revenue. The company, which competes with established Web companies such as Google Inc and Yahoo Inc, said capital spending more than tripled to $413 million in the second quarter.

“Facebook is in the early stages of an important transition in its (mobile) advertising business that should drive accelerating growth and margin expansion over time,” J.P. Morgan Securities analysts said.

The company ended the quarter with 543 million active monthly mobile users, up two-thirds from a year earlier but advertising views lagged user growth. Mobile access now accounts for 57 percent of total users. The bright spot was that sponsored stories brought in much better rates than traditional ads, allowing Facebook to increase prices by 9 percent, Morgan Stanley analysts said.

Hacking experts have demonstrated ways to attack Android smartphones using methods they said work on virtually all such devices in use today, despite recent efforts by search engine giant Google to boost protection.

Experts showed off their prowess at the Black Hat hacking conference in Las Vegas, where some 6,500 corporate and government security technology workers gathered to learn about emerging threats to their networks.

“Google is making progress, but the authors of malicious software are moving forward,” said Sean Schulte of Trustwave’s SpiderLabs.

Google spokeswoman Gina Scigliano declined to comment on the security concerns or the new research.

Hackers say Android is easy to hack

Accuvant researcher Charlie Miller demonstrated a method for delivering malicious code to Android phones using a new Android feature known as near field communications.

“I can take over your phone,” Miller said.

Near field communications allow users to share photos with friends, make payments or exchange other data by bringing Android phones within a few centimeters of similarly equipped devices such as another phone or a payment terminal.

Miller said he figured out how to create a device the size of a postage stamp that could be stuck in an inconspicuous place such as near a cash register at a restaurant. When an Android user walks by, the phone would get infected, said Miller.

He spent five years as a global network exploit analyst at the US National Security Agency, where his tasks included breaking into foreign computer systems.

Miller and another hacking expert, Georg Wicherski of CrowdStrike, have also infected an Android phone with a piece of malicious code that Wicherski unveiled in February.

That piece of software exploits a security flaw in the Android browser that was publicly disclosed by Google’s Chrome browser development team, according to Wicherski.

Google has fixed the flaw in Chrome, which is frequently updated, so that most users are now protected, he said.

But Wicherski said Android users are still vulnerable because carriers and device manufacturers have not pushed those fixes or patches out to users.

Marc Maiffret, chief technology officer of the security firm BeyondTrust, said: “Google has added some great security features, but nobody has them.”

Experts say iPhones and iPads don’t face the same problem because Apple has been able to get carriers to push out security updates fairly quickly after they are released. Two Trustwave researchers told attendees about a technique they discovered for evading Google’s “Bouncer” technology for identifying malicious programs in its Google Play Store.

They created a text-message blocking application that uses a legitimate programming tool known as java script bridge. Java script bridge lets developers remotely add new features to a program without using the normal Android update process.

Companies including Facebook and LinkedIn use java script bridge for legitimate purposes, according to Trustwave, but it could also be exploited maliciously.

To prove their point, they loaded malicious code onto one of their phones and remotely gained control of the browser. Once they did that, they could force it to download more code and grant them total control.

“Hopefully Google can solve the problem quickly,” said Nicholas Percoco, senior vice president of Trustwave’s SpiderLabs. “For now, Android is the Wild West.”

Latest update: Some contacts are visible. Some users are receiving messages but are unable to send any. Hopefully Google will resolve the service soon. It is a world-wide problem as Google has confirmed.

Google’s popular chat-messaging service, GTalk seems to be down. Users are not able to see contacts or send messages. Even if you do see contacts, your message won’t get sent. In some cases, it does say that the contact did not receive your message.

At times, the typed message is not visible in the chat-box.

Google’s Gtalk. Image from IBN-Live

Twitter is already abuzz with people wondering why GTalk is down. It doesn’t seem to working on Android devices either. Logging into the Talk app either fails or the contacts don’t appear at all.

According to IBN-Live, there was still no official intimation from Google regarding the GTalk downtime at the time of posting. 

We will keep you updated on Gtalk problems. It seems to have affected users worldwide.

Google’s App status page shows outage for Google Talk.  Google has posted:

“We’re aware of a problem with Google Talk affecting a majority of users. The affected users are able to access Google Talk, but are seeing error messages and/or other unexpected behaviour. We will provide an update by 7/26/12 5:20 PM detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change.”

Another update from Google: We are continuing to investigate this issue. We will provide an update by 7/26/12 6:20 PM detailing when we expect to resolve the problem.

Google talk is now out for nearly two hours.

As a new cricket season beckons, its time to look towards the future and ask whether a 39-year old, no matter how great, can be part of the future.

As a new cricket season beckons, its time to look towards the future and ask whether a 39-year old, no matter how great, can be part of the future.

Introducing ” Poke Me“, a new Saturday edit page feature in The Economic Times. This feature will first appear every Wednesday morning on ETonline. It will be reproduced in the edit page of the Saturday edition of the newspaper with a pick of readers’ best comments. 

So be poked and fire in your comments to us right away. Comments reproduced in the paper will be the ones that support or oppose the views expressed here intelligently. Feel free to add reference links etc. in support of your comments. 

Sachin Tendulkar made his debut for India in November 1989 during the last days of Rajiv Gandhi’s prime ministership. Nearly half of India’s present population born under seven PMs after Gandhi has not known an Indian cricket team without Tendulkar. The country consists of two kinds of cricket fans: those who have grown up watching him, and those who have grown old watching him.

Over the last 23 years, Tendulkar has in full public glare transitioned from a child prodigy to the little master to the living legend, answering just about every prayer of over a billion Indians on the way. He has hit more centuries and scored more runs at the international level than any other cricketer. Fifty one test hundreds, one hundred test and ODI centuries–like Don Bradman’s test average of 99.94–these milestones will remain the gold standards of international cricket for a long time to come.

But it’s not just about individual records. Tendulkar has been part of a world cup winning team and a member of a unit which for a brief period was the number one ranked test team in the world. He has been the spearhead of a batting line-up that for a time in the 2000s was the best in the world. He formed the core of a team which along with Sourav GangulyRahul DravidAnil Kumble, and Javagal Srinath rescued Indian cricket from the match-fixing scandal of the late 1990s.

Shorn of all the statistics, medals, and achievements, there is the sheer joy of watching Sachin bat. The hundred against Australia at Sharjah in 1998, the match winning innings against Pakistan in the 2003 world cup when he took apart Shoaib Akhtar in his first over, the century in a losing cause against Wasim Akram and Saqlain Mushtaq at Chennai in 1999…every Indian has his own mental collage of what he considers to be the great Tendulkar innings. Memories that will stay forever

And yet as a new cricket season beckons, its time to look towards the future. And ask whether a 39-year old, no matter how great, can be part of the future. Tendulkar has so far robustly rejected all references to retirement. Indeed, as cricket writer and historian, Mukul Kesavan wrote, Sachin appears to suggest that it is his national duty to play for India. “When you are at the top, you should serve the nation. When I feel I am not in a frame of mind to contribute to nation, that’s when I should retire..” he said after scoring his 100th hundred in Bangladesh earlier this year.

But as Kesavan pointed out Tendulkar is not at the top of his form or anywhere near it. In the last 13 months, he played 11 test matches, averaging 37.04, against a career average of 55.44. In his entire career, he averages one century in less than four test matches. Last year, he went without a century in 11 tests. As India crashed to eight consecutive defeats in away test matches in England and Australia, he was unable to save his country in one match.

There is merit in the argument that the search for the 100th ton weighed him down, and freed of that burden, the Tendulkar of old will appear this season for one last hurrah. But can Indian cricket wait for such indulgences? It has to set its sights on building the team for the 2015 world cup, as well as for the next tours of England, Australia, and South Africa, which are still a few years away. Virender Sehwag may still be around, but India will have to build a new middle-order without the old galacticos.

In that context, this season represent an intriguing opportunity. In addition to the tour of Sri Lanka, India will host England, New Zealand, and Australia in test matches and ODIs over the next six-eight months. While India will have home advantage, these will all be hard fought series, and give the Virat Kohlis, Rohit Sharmas, Suresh Rainas, and Cheteshwar Pujaras, the opportunity to put their hands up and assume responsibility for the middle order. It is time for Indian cricket to induct young talent in the test team on home soil, and give them the chance to step out of the shadows of their illustrious predecessors.

Great athletes often find it difficult it retire. Tendulkar’s boyhood hero, John McEnroe, won his seventh and last grand slam tittle in 1984, but continued to play tennis till the early 1990s. The change in racquet technology, the advent of power tennis, the end of the serve and volley era, all combined to defeat the genius of McEnroe. But in his mind another grand slam victory was always round the corner.

In Tendulkar’s case, it is possible that there are two additional factors that make it difficult for him to contemplate retirement. First, even more than most cricketers, he knows of no life outside the sport. At 14, he was hailed as the next big thing of Indian cricket. At 16, he made his debut. He has spent nearly three-fifths of his life playing for India. Pundits have wondered for years how Sachin has coped with so much pressure for so long. Perhaps Sachin wonders whether he can cope without such pressure.

Second, as his fame and wealth has grown, the billionaires of Mumbai have befriended Tendulkar. No one else in India possesses the sense of entitlement that this breed does. It is possible that this sense of entitlement has rubbed on to India’s greatest cricketer, making him believe in his own infallibility.

Krishnamachari Srikkanth, Tendulkar’s first captain, and the current chairman of India’s selection committee has said the champion player is pacing is career well as he seeks to prolong it. But perhaps its time for Srikanth or his employer, the BCCI to have a quiet word with Tendulkar. To tell him that it is in the best interest of Indian cricket that he retires. Or else..

NEW YORK: On Tuesday, Apple is set to report financial results for the second quarter. Analysts are expecting net income of $9.8 billion. But whatever figure Apple reports won’t reflect its true profit, because the company hides some of it with

an unusual tax maneuver.

Apple, already the world’s most valuable company, understates its profits compared with other multinationals. It’s building up an overlooked asset in the form of billions of dollars, tucked away for tax bills it may never pay.

Tax experts say the company could easily eliminate these phantom tax obligations. That would boost Apple’s profits for the past three years by as much $10.5 billion, according to calculations by The Associated Press.

While investors might rejoice if Apple suddenly added $10.5 billion to its profits, unilaterally erasing a massive US tax obligation could tarnish its reputation as a relatively responsible payer of US taxes. Instead, the company is lobbying to change US law so that it can erase its liabilities in a less conspicuous fashion. The issue has become part of the presidential campaign.

Like other companies, Apple typically keeps profits on overseas sales in overseas accounts. When someone buys an iPad in Paris or Sydney, for instance, the profit stays outside the United States.

Apple may pay some corporate income taxes on that profit to the country where it sells the iPad, but it minimizes these by using various accounting moves to shift profits to countries with low tax rates. For example the strategy known as “Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich,” routes profits through Irish and Dutch subsidiaries and then to the Caribbean.

When it comes to using creative tax techniques, Apple is no different from other multinational corporations, says Robert Willens, an independent accounting expert.

And just like other corporations, Apple leaves cash overseas. If it brought it home to the US, it would have to pay federal income taxes on the money (though it would get a credit for foreign taxes already paid). In Apple’s case, those overseas accounts have grown to a staggering $74 billion – equal to the market value of Citigroup.

The money is accumulating overseas because corporations are counting on lower US tax rates in the future. At 35 per cent, the US corporate tax rate is among the highest for developed countries. In 2004, Congress enacted a one-year “tax holiday” for overseas earnings, and multinationals are hoping for a repeat of that. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney wants to permanently eliminate federal taxes on overseas profits. President Barack Obama attacked that idea last week, saying it won’t create US jobs, like the Romney campaign contends.

Where Apple does differ from other companies is that it sets aside a portion of these overseas profits, marking them as subject to US taxes sometime in the future. Essentially, it’s saying “this is money that we’ll likely have to pay US federal income taxes on” because we intend to repatriate it, says Willens.

But because Apple doesn’t actually bring the profits into US accounts, it doesn’t pay the taxes. Instead, it records a tax liability. When Apple reports quarterly results, it subtracts these liabilities from its profits, even though it hasn’t actually paid the taxes.

The liabilities accumulate, and as Apple’s profits grow, they’re piling up faster and faster.

“When you capitalize that into the future, it might be tens of billions of dollars,” said Martin Sullivan, an economist with Tax Analysts, a nonprofit publisher.

The company had a net $6 billion of tax liabilities at the end of September, the last reported figure. It’s had two blow-out quarters since then and is expected to report another one Tuesday. Based on reported and expected profits for the last three quarters, the liabilities can be estimated at around $10.5 billion.

Apple declined to comment on the specifics of its tax strategies or why it records tax liabilities that other multinationals avoid.

“Apple has conducted all of its business with the highest of ethical standards, complying with applicable laws and accounting rules,” the CupertinoCalifornia, company said in a statement.

Yet Apple has made clear that it has no intention of repatriating its profits from overseas at the current U.S. tax rate. When CEO Tim Cook announced that the company would start paying a dividend this summer, he said the board determined the size of the dividend solely by looking at the amount of cash the company has in U.S. accounts.

“We do not want to incur the tax cost to repatriate the foreign cash at this time,” Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer told investors in March.

Apple’s net tax liabilities started building three years ago, when its sales started rocketing because of the iPhone. In that time, the company has reported a total of $69 billion in net income. If it had applied the same accounting practices as other multinational technology companies, and not marked some overseas profits as subject to US taxes, its profits would have been about $78 billion, or 13 per cent higher.

The boost to net income could mean a boost to the stock, since companies are usually valued on their earnings. If investors were to value Apple based on the last 12 months of earnings, with the tax liabilities added to earnings, the stock might be 13 per cent higher.

Willens and Sullivan say that Apple could erase its liabilities by considering the profits “permanently reinvested” overseas, acknowledging that they will never be brought home. That would erase the tax liability, but it could make Apple look like a less responsible corporate citizen.

“I doubt they’re going to do that on their own, because they don’t want to be set up for criticism,” said Willens.

Groups such as Citizens for Tax Justice compile lists of the tax rates corporations report. Apple looks like a relatively good taxpayer on such lists, with a 24 per cent rate. But Apple doesn’t actually pay the 24 per cent, since it isn’t repatriating its overseas profits. The actual taxes Apple pays are 13 per cent of profits, as computed by Sullivan. That’s a relatively low rate compared with other multinationals.

But keeping the money overseas limits what Apple can do with it. It means, for instance, that Apple can’t use it to buy another US company, or give it to shareholders.

To get the money home without paying full US taxes on it, the company advocates a change in US tax law. It’s a member of Working to Invest Now in America, or WinAmerica. The coalition is lobbying for two congressional bills that would temporarily reduce the tax rate on such earnings to 5.25 per cent. That would encourage the repatriation of some of the $1.4 trillion in cash that US companies have sitting in overseas accounts, the group says.

The temporary tax amnesty enacted in 2004, resulted in hundreds of billions being brought home to the US But according to the Congressional Research Service, it didn’t create jobs or stimulate the economy, as had been hoped.

GoogleOracle, Microsoft and Cisco Systems are also members of WinAmerica, but none of them stand to gain as much as Apple from a tax amnesty, because they have less cash overseas.

Irked by changes to its user interface and privacy issues, customer satisfaction with social network site Facebook has suffered a major decline this year.

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) “E-Business Report” in collaboration with research firm Foresee, comes days before the release of Facebook’s first quarterly earnings since it went public.

According to the report, the social networking giant’s customer satisfaction has plunged 7.6 per cent to 61 points on a 100-point scale — a new record-low score for the social media category.

“…users complain about ads and privacy concerns. However, the most frequent complaints about Facebook are changes to its user interface, most recently the introduction of the ‘Timeline’ feature,” the report said.

Facebook with an unrivalled 800 million user-base world-wide lagged behind social media network Google Plus in terms of user satisfaction. Google Plus, measured for the first time by ASCI, has scored 78 points on the index.

The strong score was attributed to the absence of traditional advertising and superior apps for mobile devices. Foresee President and CEO Larry Freed said,”I expect Google to leverage its multiple properties and mobile capabilities to attract users at a rapid pace. If Facebook doesn’t feel the pressure to improve customer satisfaction now, that may soon change.”

The social media segment reported a decrease of 1.4 per cent to 69 points this year, the report said. Tied with Google Plus at the first rank, Wikipedia led the social media category for a third straight year with 78 points.

Other, social media sites that performed better than Facebook on user satisfaction were photo sharing site Pinterest at 69 points, professional networking site LinkedIn at 63 points, and at 64 points.

Overall, the E-business which includes social media, portal and search engines, news and information sites dropped 1.6 per cent to 74.2 points compared to year-ago period.

“E-business websites used to be higher in customer satisfaction than most other categories covered by the ACSI, but their performance over the past three years suggests that they need to respond better to the changing needs and expectations of their customers,” ACSI Chairman Claes Fornell said.

Individually, the portals and search engines segment was the best performing sector in e-business but declined to 1.3 per cent at 79 points. Google maintained the lead at 82 points followed by Bing at 81 points, in the search engine category.

The report used data from interviews with nearly 70,000 customers annually to measure satisfaction with more than 230 companies in 47 industries and 10 economic sectors.

Microsoft posted its first quarterly loss in its 26 years as a public company on Thursday as it declared a struggling online ad business a bust and prepared for one of the biggest product updates in its history.

Internet search giant Google earnings, on the other hand, hit analysts’ target as refinements to the company’s internet search technology lured more Web surfers to click on its revenue-producing ads.

 Including the write-down on a Quantive, Microsoft booked a $492-million loss in the fourth quarter against $5.9 billion a year ago.

Revenue rose 4% to $19 billion.

“The quarter was pretty much in line across major segments of the business,” Nomura analyst Rick Sherlund said.

Chief financial officer Peter Klein told analysts that for the coming year, “We expect Windows revenue to be roughly in line with the PC market” which it said was flat in the last quarter and is expected to continue that way in the three months through September.

Google earned $2.8 billion during the three months ended June compared to $2.5 billion a year ago. The earnings would have been $10per share, if not for Google’s accounting costs for employee stock compensation and the Motorola deal.

Revenue climbed 35% from last year to $12 billion.

If not for Motorola, revenue would have increased 21%. That would have been Google’s slowest rate of revenue growth since the fourth quarter of 2009 when the company was just starting to recover from the Great Recession.

The uncertainty caused by heavy government debt burdens in Europe also contributed to “somewhat difficult” conditions, Google chief financial officer Patrick Pichette told analysts.