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2013 Fireworks…

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,100 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 18 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Result & Conclusion…

During the six months training period,I was made to tackle various difficulties associated to my project.Although i had developed a software before but working for an organization like DRDO on a professional front was an experience in its own way.The guidance and supervision of learned people of the organization made me learn a lot.The way they cooperated and coordinated with the limitations of my knowledge was very encouraging and is one of the most important reasons of the success of my project.Keeping in mind the restrictions on the usage of internet within the organization due to security reasons,the project is developed for desktop purpose,but has all the potential of being taken up to online level.The software explores most of the functions and frameworks provided by the Java Swings API.Some important checks have been introduced at each click of the buttons provided so as to avoid as many inconsistencies in the database as possible.The software is completely based on the requirements of the group and serves the task in its true sense.It has been integrated with one of the front-ends of the database in order to make it easy for the user to replace the data annually and make backup copies of the same.To make the user interface attractive various background images have been applied to the frames which makes the outlook of the software better.However,the backgrounds also adds up to the memory space required by the project to run.Since its a desktop application a few extra bytes of memory hardly makes any difference to the system and allows concurrent functioning of other programs on the system efficiently.The software has an edge over others as it has been coded in Java,since java is platform-independent language the software can be run on multiple platforms without making any changes to the code.The software has been developed using Incremental Model where changes in the design and functioning were based on the regular feedbacks of the supervisor.The main challenge faced in the development phase,was to store a PDF file into the database and retrieve it back to the user.

Eventually this challenge becomes one of the limitations of the project where the database can be too heavy to access results within time due to storage of the file itself.To overcome this limitation, the data type of the column has been set to Blob which forms the most efficient way of storing the file in the database.However,it is advised to insert all the entries related to a file in the database,whereas the file itself should be stored outside the database and at a well defined location in the system.

The scope of this project is not limited to a particular organization,it can be used generally in every organization where the firm is divided into groups and there is need to register the communication between groups through mails.

  • View Entries of files

ImageProbably, the backbone of the system the Entries Register provides the user with the functionality to view all the entries that have been registered till date.Moreover,it allows the user to refine his/her search of some particular entries according to desired attribute/attributes.

The entities involved are:

  1. jTable-Table with nine columns consisting of:
    Reference Number,Letter Number,Group,Subject,Letter(Blob),Reply(blob),Remarks,Date_received(File),Date_sent(Reply).
  2. View All jButton-On the click of this button the user can view all the entries registered.
  3. Refine Search jButton-On the click of this button,the system identifies the attributes entered by the user according to which he wants his search of entries refined.
  4. The text field above the column name Reference no. corresponds to the Reference no attribute for refined search.In case a correct Reference No has been entered by the user,only one entry corresponding to that reference no is displayed,since Reference No. is the primary key and hence unique.
  5. The drop down list above the column name Group prompts the user to select one of the 40 divisions according to which only entries of that particular group will be displayed.
  6. The jxDate Pickers are placed above the Date_received & Date_sent columns to get the range of dates to refine the search of the entries between that range.
  7. All of the above attributes can be used one at a time,in combination, or all at once to refine the search,thereby providing complete flexibility.
  • Manage Records


This panel allows the user to insert,update,delete entries.

The mandatory fields are shown with a red asterisk: Reference No.,Letter No.,Date.All the validations have been applied to avoid database inconsistencies.

  • Upload File

The next Step is uploading the file the file itself.


The mandatory fields are Reference No and Group.In case of any mismatch,the system throws error message to check the details.

  • Upload Reply


The mandatory fields in Upload Reply panel are:Reference No.,Group,Date_sent.All the validations have been applied to make the database consistent and avoid ambiguity.

  • View Status of file


To get the status of file,enter:

  • Letter Number (Highest priority)
  • Group (Second Priority)
  • Subject Key words (Third priority)


  • View  content of Files/Replies

View File

To view the content of a particular file,enter:

  • Reference Number(unique)
  • The File or Reply Option from the drop down list

After selecting the above fields,the user would be asked to select a location where the copy of the PDF file will be saved.You can go to the selected location and view the file.


If a person logs into the software as an ordinary user,then the following page shows up


As it is clear from the picture,an operator/user can perform the following functions.

  • View Status of an individual file.
  • View the entries of  files.
  • Manage (Submit/Update/Delete) records.
  • View the content of a file/reply
  • View User Accounts


  • Create New User


  • Update User Account


  • Delete User Account


  • Update Admin Account


If user logs into as an administrator then the following page shows up.


As it is clearly visible….the administrator is provided with :

  • View User Accounts
  • Create User Accounts
  • Update User Accounts
  • Delete User Accounts
  • Update Admin Account

In addition to above privileges,the administrator can also navigate to the User Menu.


GUI of System-Login Page…

The second step of the software is authorization of the User.A user can log into the system either as Administrator or an ordinary user.

Both differ in the privileges provided.All the validations have been applied to make sure only authenticated user is able to login.

The Reset buttons lefts all the fields empty while the Login button makes the user to move on to next step only after entering the correct details.


The page gives the user a brief description through its title and a similar picture depicting the purpose of the project…This is the first step of the software consisting of a button named PROCEED.


On the click of button,the user moves on to the next step.